التاريخ Sun, Mar 07, 2021

How to Review Math Before an Exam with Focus – 17 Tips You Can Use

Reviewing mathematics and preparing for the exam are important matters that require focus. There is no doubt that you want to get high grades in mathematics, so your mind is always occupied with finding the easiest and best way to review mathematics.

In this article, we will learn together about the best 17 tips that will enable you to review mathematics with focus, but before starting that, you must first get rid of 5 bad study habits so that you can get the final grades in the mathematics exam easily.

1- Postponing the study until a few days before the exam

Postponing studying mathematics lessons until a few days before the exam exposes you to psychological pressure, tension, and fear of the lack of time and not being able to cover the information completely. You may not be very confident in your answer and you are always afraid of the result.

2- Relying on predictions for certain questions rather than others

One of the major, high-risk mistakes is that you predict some parts or questions that may come up in the test, focus on them and neglect other math lessons. There is no doubt that this exposes you to losing a lot of marks and feeling regret later on.

3- Not getting enough rest and sleep

Fatigue and exhaustion are the main reason for lack of concentration in studying. You must rest from time to time so that your mind can receive information smoothly and flexibly. Lack of sleep negatively affects the immune system and mental health.

4- Spending a lot of time having fun

Break time between studying from time to time is required, but some students exaggerate in extending the time. Some students may play some games on their phone or watch a program or series, which causes the loss of basic study time. You must organize the time for studying to obtain distinctive results.

5- Use your colleagues’ summaries

Using your colleagues’ summaries does not help you remember information well. The way you organize and memorize information differs from one student to another. Each student has a style and idea for organizing a way that helps him memorize information easily. In addition, you may not be good at reading some information.

To get rid of previous bad study habits, you should learn 10 tips for studying math lessons with focus - easily and enjoyably.

Now you are fully prepared to learn with us the best 17 tips that will enable you to review mathematics before the exam.

1. Active participation is the secret to great information recall. 

Participation is of two types: general participation, which refers to what you do in class while asking questions. The second type is private participation, which occurs when you read aloud, which helps your mind to interact and focus.

2. Review the summaries and notes you took after school.

Review the notes and summaries that you wrote while studying mathematics lessons, especially the mistakes you made. Review the unit or the entire section, starting with the laws or equations first, then review the problems that you solved previously.

3. Make a guide or dictionary.

Write down important equations, terms and concepts during review to help you remember and solve quickly.

4. Stay away from learning anything new.

Avoid learning anything new or studying a math lesson for the first time before the exam, as this exposes you to stress and panic sometimes and makes your mind forget things it already knows.

5. Use linking to reinforce information.

Always make sure to write the information in a coherent manner, as this always helps you to recall the information easily. You can link the information or solution steps through a drawing that reminds you of them.

6. Plan your review time.

Plan your time effectively for revision. Prioritize from easiest to most difficult, so make sure to start revision early so that you cover all the information.

7. Complete a full exam after completing your review.

This will help you organize your thoughts in a systematic way, in addition to being able to improve the time management allocated for the exam in answering all the questions, as it is better to read the instructions and choose carefully.

8. Be calm and avoid any distractions.

Get rid of any external distractions. Make sure to be in a quiet place designated for studying. Make sure to turn off your phone so that you avoid being distracted by responding to friends, games, or any other distractions, etc.

9. Psychological preparation for the exam

One of the most important things that helps you achieve goals and retrieve information carefully, as fear may lead to achieving negative results that affect performance and reduce activity. You only have to be organized and avoid randomness in reading questions and jumping to the answer quickly.

10. Make sure to eat healthy and do light exercise.

Eat healthy, light meals with high nutritional value of fresh vegetables and fruits, which helps to activate memory well, and be sure to do some light exercise, which helps to renew blood circulation and activate the mind.

11. Get enough sleep

You should study until late hours before going to bed. You should get enough sleep, which helps clear your mind and perform better during the exam.

12. Prepare yourself for the test.

You should organize your bag on the night of the exam and put all your tools in it, which will save you a lot of stress on the morning of the exam and of course will give you extra time to eat a healthy breakfast before going to the exam.

13. Avoid talking to colleagues before entering the exam.

It is better not to talk to your friends about what you have studied. You may feel that you have accomplished less than anyone else or that you did not focus well on some lessons. It is better to be confident in what you have studied and reviewed.

.14 ​​Check your answer completely.

Make sure to manage your time during the exam. You should organize your time and start with the easiest and then the most difficult so that you can review all your answers. Therefore, it is better to make your answer structured by writing the laws or equations first, then writing the solution steps in a sequential manner.

15. Avoid everything that makes you afraid of the exam .

Do not let fear control you, as this directly affects the retrieval of information, which exposes you to the problem of forgetfulness.

16. Believe in yourself and bring your ambition

Success depends largely on self-confidence. You just have to be positive, focus on tasks, and plan good time to move between different issues.

17. Read the information carefully. Make sure that you have written the equations correctly. Write down each step in the solution. Do not get lost.
Your time on one question

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