التاريخ Sat, Oct 02, 2021

Emsat exam

What is the EMSAT Exam? And  who are taking this exam?

Emsat exam also knows national Assessment for UAE, EMSAT exam  is electronic test aims to assess student skills and knowledge in specific subjects and grads 

Emsat exam  provided  an assessment with International standards for student in different educational stages, the exam  provides assessment  for

Grade 1 student 

When  they  join  the general education stage to measure their skills and basic in specific subjects like Arabic, English, Numeracy, to prepare plans for education and students' enhancement  .

General education  Grade  4–6–8 and 10

EmSAT exams Aims to measure the developing education in specific subjects like Arabic – English – mathematics – science to know student performance in general education stage


EmSAT exams are Targeting  in Achieve

1. grade Twelfth student  - for university  admission  ( Emirati and no Emirati Grade 12 students )

2. Scholarships, master and doctoral  degrees

3. Job candidates

     For measuring and evaluating candidates' performance 

    EmSAT exam archive for grade 12 are electronic  exam in specific subject like

     EMsat Arabic  - Emsat English – Emsat math – Emsat physics  -  EMsat chemistry – Emsat biology and Emsat computer science . 

    The importance of the EMSAT Exam ? 

    1. Emsat exam measure students performance through the nationally and internationally 

    2. Provide education evaluation for the ministry of Education

    3. Alternative of other higher education entry tests

      4. Help government  and private schools  in developing improvement plans fro student 

      5. Help the higher management to take decisions to improve the educational system 

      actually every students interested to know a lot of this for Emsat exam like policy , registrations , calendar ...etc in this section we will know the famous details , Questions and answer about Emsat exam 

      The Famous Questions and Answer for Emsat  Exam 

      EMSAT Registration 

      How do  grade 12 students  register for Emsat Achieve? 

      Grade 12 students can follow three steps to register for Emsat Achieve

      1-   Contact school coordinator to register  an Emirates ID

      2- Active  Account via  a link  that will receive at Email address registered

      3-  The schedule required test through Emsat portal

      Also, students can click here  to check manual guide 

      Reschedule policy.

      How do  grade 12 students  Reschedule for Emsat Achieve? 

      If the students would like to reschedule their test date  if necessary, the student has to do  reschedule date for an almost exam before registration will close 2 weeks in advance 

      Late policy 

      If the student arrives 15 minutes late after the start of the exam, Students will not be permitted to take the test

      Documentation required 

      Students grade 12  must bring a copy of their test  ticket , and their  original Emirates national ID - will not accept copies or screenshots, and student will not be permitted to enter exam and the students will be considered absent 

      Student grade 12 can know Emsat policies  by visiting  Emsat policies page  to know all details

       For Emsat Calendar please  check Achieve test sessions calendar 

      What are Precautionary measures for coronavirus during the Emsat exam? 

      The student must wear a mask and gloves before entering the test center.

      Students should follow all precautionary measures  as the following

      1-  Student temperature will be measured and students will pass against the thermal camera any student who shows symptoms similar to the corona symptoms will be prevented from entering the test room.

      2- the students should bringing the emirates iD even it is expired the degiral ID will be accepted 

      3- family members do not allowed to enter the test center 

      4- student should follow commitment to the social distance of 2 meters between the student and others 

      5- student should leave the test center one the test is completed 

      6- the student must bring his own tools like calculator ... etc

      7- student must try to reduce the holdings they bring and bring only important ones 

      Where do Emsat Exams are held?

      There are a lot of test centers on Emirates standard test page , please click test centers  to know the Emsat exam centers according city  and genders

      For more questions and answers about Emsat exam you can visit Faqs questions page 

      Emsat Result 

      Usually every student always think about How to achieve high score  to get best  Emsat Result To get high Emsat Result  , students should concentrate their effort and prepare for exam and this can achieve easily through online courses

      el madrasa.com the best educational website is specialize in present emsat subjects - elmadrasa.com provide a lot of advantage during their courses

      1. provide online individual course through zoom , you can choice morning or evening hours

      2. during the course you can know the weakness and strongest points  

      3. teachers can help you to improvement the weakness points through practical training on emsat exam samples 

      4. during the course students will learn strategies how to answers the questions in emsat exam

      5. emsat courses will provide study note  will help you to remember all information 
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