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Educational counseling for children and adolescents
Educational counseling for children and adolescents helps parents learn about the correct methods and foundations of upbringing and abandon the educational style inherited from their parents.
Educational consultations for children and adolescents by School.com aim to:
- Guidance and advice for parents in dealing with their children from childhood to adolescence.
The educational consultations for children and adolescents provided by Al-Madrasa.com have many advantages, the most important of which are:
1. Individual consultations aimed at listening to you well and participating in decision-making.
2. Online consultations via Zoom to suit your appointments - flexibility in setting morning or evening appointments.
3. Maintaining the confidentiality of information.
4. Understand the situation comprehensively and help find solutions.
5. Complete neutrality and complete professionalism in dealing with your consultation.
6. Case study and evaluation to help you make decisions.
Educational consultations are provided for children and adolescents by specialists with diverse and distinguished experiences to support and assist families in the following points:
- Providing educational solutions for children and adolescents, which increases awareness and improves the tools that families have during the journey of raising children.
- Transferring correct practices and experiences to the family by consultants.
- Identifying wrong educational methods and how to avoid them.
- How to correct the family's relationship with its children and correct their path from childhood to adolescence to university age, step by step.
- How to deal with the psychological state of children and adolescents in the stages of education.
- Identifying child-rearing methods, their problems, and behavior modification.
Educational counseling for children and adolescents

تستهدف الاستشارات الخاصة بنا
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- الشباب حديثي الخبرة والراغبين في تنمية وتطوير الذات والارتقاء بالمستوى الوظيفي لهم
- الشباب خريجي الثانوية العامة الراغبين في تحديد مسارهم الجامعي واختيار الكلية المناسبة لهم
الفوائد التي تحصل عليها
- استشارتك تتم بسرية تامة
- لن يتم نشر مشكلتك في الموقع أو أي موقع أخر
- مساعدتك في التفكير وبناء الأهداف والخطط الحياتية
- مساعدتك في التوجيه و تدريبك على تطوير الذات وشخصيتك
- توجيه الآباء بطرق ومهارات التعامل مع المشكلات التربوية والتحصيل العملي وصعوبات التعلم للأطفال – المراهقين