التاريخ Sun, Mar 12, 2023

math difficulties

Accounting is considered a cumulative subject that depends on foundation from small stages, meaning that each stage depends on the previous one and builds on the next one.

Therefore, parents try to establish their children from a young age so that they can keep up with progress in the subject, and because difficulties in arithmetic are considered a common thing, especially among children who do not learn it from a young age, we will try to talk about this dilemma and how to deal with it.

What are the difficulties of calculation?

The term "mathematical difficulties" has recently become common, which affects 3 to 7 percent of children, and it becomes difficult for children to learn mathematics, especially those who were not well-established at a young age.

Arithmetic is a logical subject and is built on specific foundations and rules. It is not easy to learn, especially for children and adults who are not well-established in this subject.

Many call dyscalculia, or difficulty counting, a condition in which children have trouble counting or making math more logical in their brains.

Some of the problems that children suffer from are:

Difficulty in logical counting

In this case, the child is unable or has difficulty counting, whether verbally or symbolically; that is, he is unable to recognize or read symbols.

Writing problems

If a student is unable to recognize and read verbal symbols, it means that he will not be able to write them.

Difficulty dealing with basic mathematical equations

If the student is unable to deal with mathematical symbols orally and in writing, he will not be able to deal with arithmetic equations, starting with the basic ones, which are addition and subtraction.

Accordingly, he will not be able to understand multiplication and division, and this will result in a lack of understanding of the subject as a whole, which will make the student take more time and effort to solve the simplest problems.

Mathematical learning difficulties

Most parents believe that arithmetic can only be learned by studying and using a pen and paper, which makes it inaccessible, as one of the most important reasons for arithmetic difficulties is not practicing it correctly.

The subject is purely practical so sitting down and using a pen and paper, memorizing the rules, and practicing solving problems in the traditional way of memorizing and solving may not suit some children.

Arithmetic is a logical mathematical subject and it is flexible, so it is not natural for all children to learn in the same way. The idea of ​​generalizing the method of explanation to all children with different levels of intelligence and inclinations may cause children to have a psychological complex.

Children begin to think that they are different from others or that their mental abilities are less than others, due to their inability to understand the material in the way that is usually used. Therefore, we advise against generalizing the methods of explanation and animation, because each child has a certain way of thinking and intelligence, and it is not fair to describe the child as having weak abilities just because he is unable to comprehend the processes in the usual way.

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How to deal with accounting difficulties

We previously talked about math difficulties , and the most important reasons that lead to math difficulties, and now that we understand the basics, how can we deal with math difficulties.

Arithmetic is a practical, logical subject that is used in almost everything around us, so it is important to learn it. However, one of the difficulties of arithmetic is that it is a subject with many laws and rules.

Since this subject contains a fair number of rules and is found on a daily basis in our lives, it is therefore important to master it. Practice is the best solution to this equation.

Practice strengthens the mind's ability to absorb different patterns and retrieve laws more easily and automatically, which further entrenches these laws in our heads.

We also mentioned that the subject of arithmetic is a cumulative subject, meaning that it depends to a large extent on the structure of information and basic laws, which in turn facilitates the process of understanding the equations that follow and interpreting the previous ones, and making the subject more logical.

Here we will talk about the role of Madrasa.com in helping you overcome math difficulties and teaching your children:

  • Children are taught in innovative and modern ways that suit each child, regardless of their age, inclinations, and intellectual abilities.
  • A group of qualified trainers and experts in the foundations and principles of modern education that keep pace with the times.
  • Use educational tools that are fun and at the same time directed to help children individually.
  • The curriculum is flexible, to accommodate all children with different intellectual tendencies.
  • The course is 100% online and you can choose the appropriate course dates, making it flexible and easy for the child.

Factors that cause math difficulties

  • One of the most important difficulties in arithmetic that children face from the early stages is the difficulty of applying the equations and skills they have learned in reality.
  • We now live in a fast-paced technological age, with an abundance of educational and entertainment means, which has made children more distracted, and it has become difficult to focus on one thing for a specific period of time.
  • Relying on a fixed method of explanation for all children to explain the lessons, without assessing the level, abilities and inclinations of each child , which requires diversity in explanation methods until children master the information from more than one perspective.
  • Relying on traditional methods of explanation, we are now in a different world with its own requirements, and it is important for teachers to try to develop themselves and the educational methods they use to facilitate information for children of this age.
  • One of the most important difficulties in accounting is dealing with the material on paper only. This material is more practical than theoretical, and the matter does not end with memorizing its basic laws and rules. Rather, it must be applied and used in our real lives.
  • The subject of arithmetic is relatively difficult, especially for adults who have not received the appropriate foundation.
  • Parents and teachers' reactions to children who have not mastered this subject can be severe, such as doubting their mental abilities, and incorporating feelings of helplessness and frustration, which may lead the child to develop a complex about the subject and to unconsciously hate it.

Causes of math difficulties in children

  • Adherence to fixed templates in explanation for all children.
  • Adherence to old traditional methods of explanation that are not compatible with the times.
  • Lack of interest in educating teachers to keep pace with modern educational methods.
  • Due to the current change in the world we live in from the ages before us, these changes have caused and resulted in a number of differences, the most important of which is technology, because of its massive spread , children have become more distracted .
  • Thus, difficulty in being able to concentrate for long or short periods of time.
  • Not practicing the rules of arithmetic constantly in our daily lives to apply them and make them more logical.

Effective ways to overcome math difficulties

As we mentioned earlier, the subject of arithmetic is considered a purely practical subject, and even if the student is skilled in dealing with arithmetic transactions in writing, the matter is a little different in reality.

Therefore, it is very important to introduce some practical activities that are appropriate for the child’s age. Let us mention some of these activities that may help children alleviate or even eliminate their arithmetic difficulties.

It is important to make children aware that math is present in everything around us, and can be used in everything in our lives. Therefore, it is important to make children participate in daily math activities to support the theories in their heads and understand them in a deeper and more perfect way.

Now let's talk about some of these daily activities that can be included in our day, to be entertaining and at the same time useful; knowing that these games must be appropriate for the current age group:

  • Games that contain numbers or symbols

Such as dominoes and dice games, which in turn can teach children to count.

  • Using counting in playing games

For example, when doing some sports exercises or motor games, you can count the steps, count the number of jumps, etc.

  • Practice counting money

Children can be taught to count by involving them in financial transactions, such as counting money before going to the store, and counting it again after returning, so that they learn basic arithmetic equations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a more practical way.

  • Count the things around us

Try to get children to apply what they have learned to everything around them, such as counting things around them, and using games and shapes.

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