التاريخ Sun, Jun 21, 2020

The difference between the American and British education system
If you are a student living in the UAE, you must know that there are 3 educational curricula that parents choose.
For their children, they are:
  • British curriculum.
  • American curriculum.
  • Ministerial curriculum.
Each curriculum differs from the other in its educational content, and each system has advantages and disadvantages that we will discuss in this article.

The difference between the American and British education system

American education system The American system has an exam called the SAT Self-Assessment Test. It is an exam in mathematics and English. If a student does not feel that he performed well in it, he can apply to retake the exam to improve his score. The student can retake this exam 6 times. The percentage of the score he gets from the SAT exam is 60% of the total score. As for the remaining 40%, it is separate from the SAT exam and is tested in school. ** There is an agreement between schools and universities on the basis of which the certificate is accredited. ** Students can easily learn how to criticize as the American education system enhances this skill within students. There are methods and techniques that aim to stimulate the thinking and innovation process in students at a young age. ** The number of schools accredited to the American system in the world has reached more than 600 schools.
British education system In order for a senior high school student to graduate from school, he must pass the General Certificate of Secondary exam. The overall result obtained by the student determines his academic fate and which college he will join, and whether it will be a public or private university. ** There is also an agreement between schools and universities through which the accreditation of the certificate is determined. ** The British system is not a modern system, but has been in existence for more than 11 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the American and British systems

Features Disadvantages
American education system
  • Cultural diversity in the curriculum.
  • Raising an innovative generation that loves criticism.
  • Take the SAT to improve your overall score.
  • Advanced educational curricula.
  • Developing students' research skills.
  • Cumulative grades 10, 11, 12 are 40% of the final grade.
  • Developing the student's personality and increasing self-confidence.
  • It does not put any interpretive pressure on the students.
  • Information is not studied deeply.
  • perseverance in performance
British education system
  • Using classical methods in education.
  • Study the information in depth.
  • Standardized tests for students starting in sixth grade.
  • Exam questions are limited to the taught curriculum.
  • General Certificate of Secondary Examination
  • The presence of high levels of education qualifies students to complete their studies at any international university, whether in the United Kingdom or the United States.
  • The British curriculum puts psychological pressure on students.
  • Total grades are based on final exams only.

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