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Arabic for non native Speakers
This course is completely taught by experienced and qualified tutors who have graduated from Al-Azhar university in Egypt. Our tutors are not only well-educated, but they’re also very passionate and enthusiastic about teaching , and they have incredible communication skills to provide you with the best learning experience. They’ll manage to meet your educational needs and make sure you’ll be always on the right track.

Flex packages system cares
Online training course 100%
Providing individual training packages – online training through Zoom
Constant monitoring
The possibility of direct communication with the lecturer to focus on the weaknesses to be developed and improved
Training with specialists
Providing a specialized teacher who will draw with you a plan to develop the Arabic language according to your needs
Recommended Offers
Arabic for non native Speakers
why you should Choose Us ….
Elmadrasah.com online educational platform has many advantages that make it the best and optimal choice, including the following:
24 hour follow up
To make sure you get the right training and explanation of the material with flexibility in choosing and scheduling morning/evening times.
Competitive prices
Elmadrasah.com offers price discounts and offers to suit everyone.
Collection of the most skilled Arab and foreign teachers
Arab lecturers, Native speakers provide you with guidance, evaluation, hands-on training and continuous training.
Individual training sessions via Zoom
Develop the skills of summarizing, describing and explaining various texts, in addition to writing skills, identifying information and arranging ideas.