What is the ielts test?
IELTS is an acronym for International English Language Testing System; To measure the extent to which non-native speakers of English are proficient in the English language globally, the axes of the definition of the ielts test can be summarized as follows:
- There are 4 skills that are tested: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
- Listening, Reading and Writing are tested on the same day.
- The speaking test can be either before, after or on the same day of the tests.
- IELTS General Training differs only in reading and writing.
- All students take the same speaking and listening test.
- However, General Training students take a different reading test and a different writing test.
- There is no difference between the British Council's IELTS and the International Development Programme.
- There is also no difference between examinees and correction in BC and IDP. IELTS exams are taken every month.
- IDP and BC are co-owners of ielts along with Cambridge ESOL.
About the ielts test:
IELTS is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native speakers. The first ielts test was taken in 1989 AD, and it is now one of the English language tests in the world.
- Both types of IELTS test include 4 sections: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
- IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training are consistent with the Speaking and Listening section questions.
- The IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests differ in the questions in the reading and writing sections.
What are the types of ielts test?
IELTS Academic, and ielts General Training. Each of them is intended for a specific purpose, and through this article, you will know the difference between them with more clarification.
IELTS Academic: It is the ielts test for study.
The importance of the ielts test for study, or what is known as IELTS Academic:
- More than 3.7 million students study abroad every year.
- Many students study in English speaking countries, such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA.
- Studying in an English speaking country offers many opportunities.
- It can also allow you to specialize in a specific field or get a job once you have completed your education.
- IELTS is recognized by more than 11,000 education and training providers worldwide.
- Some universities in non-English speaking countries also require an IELTS score if the course is taught in English.
Other information about the IELTS Academic test:
- IELTS Academic Test is suitable for those who wish to study in an English-speaking environment or university (higher education).
- You can also take ielts Academic for the purposes of professional registration for a job.
- Students can request that their ielts results be sent to up to five institutions for free.
- There is a fee for sending results to additional organizations.
- You can also ask your center to submit your results as long as your ielts score is valid. It is worth noting that the ielts certificate is valid for two years.
IELTS General Training Test:
- It is the second type of ielts test that is more suitable for immigration, tourism and employment purposes.
- IELTS General Training is suitable for those applying to study below degree level, which includes an English-speaking school or college.
- General ielts training is also required for immigration to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
- The test also features everyday English skills that you will need in social and workplace settings.
What is the best type of IELTS test (Academic IELTS or IELTS General Training)?
There is no trade-off between both types of test, but the choice is made according to the goal to be achieved. If you want to move to an English-speaking country to study, you must take the Academic ielts test.
If you are traveling for business or immigration purposes, IELTS General Training is recommended.
Of course, you should check the entry requirements of your institution or the entity you are traveling with before choosing your test.
IELTS test format:
There are two types of ielts : Academic and General Training.
In both tests, all test takers take the same listening and speaking tests, but the reading and writing tests are different.
What are the consequences of having two types of ielts test?
You need to make sure that you are prepared for the correct type of test that fits your purpose of the test.
Are there intervals between the test question sections?
The Listening, Reading and Writing sections of all ielts exams are completed on the same day, with no breaks in between.
However, the speaking section can be completed up to a week before or after other exams.
How long is the IELTS Academic or General Training test?
The total time of the test is 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Types of ielts test in terms of application:
There is the official IELTS test and the IELTS practice test, which are test forms that are taken before the actual IELTS academic test or approved general training with the issuance of a certificate.
Official ielts test:
- It is an IELTS practice test that helps you find out your situation before taking the test with the official ielts practice test.
- It also helps you to check your ielts readiness progress which is an official ielts online practical test.
- The test will also give you an indication of your progress and provide feedback on areas for improvement. The official practice test is booked in advance.
IELTS practice test:
- It is a practice test that helps you practice the ielts test questions and its different sections before the actual approved test.
- You can conduct it at any time more than once and keep its questions.
What is the difference between the official ielts test and the IELTS practice test?
The difference between the official ielts test and the IELTS practice test is that the official ielts test is pre-booked, paid and done with a private teacher and guide as an unaccredited copy of the approved ielts test.
As for the IELTS practice test, it is a free paper or electronic test that you practice individually without guidance and through which you cannot practice the speaking and listening sections.
Additional information about the ielts test:
- The IELTS test was first established in 1989.
- The test was approved after the ielts test proved that it is a tool capable of determining a person's ability and proficiency in the English language.
- The test is approved in most universities, government departments and institutes in America, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa.
- Also, there are a large number of universities and educational institutions in the United States that adopt IELTS.
- Globally, more than 3,800 universities, departments and government centers around the world adopt IELTS in more than 120 countries, and more than half a million people take the test annually.
- Those wishing to study basic and higher, especially in British and Australian universities and centers, and many centers that adopt IELTS as an English language proficiency test all over the world, apply for the test.
- As well as those wishing to take non-academic courses or those wishing to obtain immigration.
A quick overview of the general format of the ielts test:
The exam is divided into 4 sections, duration of 2:45:00, two hours and forty-five minutes, spread over an extended period of 3-8 hours. The examinee undergoes these sections sequentially on the same day.
- Reading for an hour
- Write an hour
- Listen 30 minutes
- 15 minute conversation
The exam is rated out of 9, i.e. the highest possible mark is 9 out of 9.
The final score is the average of the four exams, where each exam is rated out of 9 and the final exam result is given plus the score for each part of the exam.
Details of the listening test format for IELTS Academic and General Training:
Listening (30 minutes)
In the Listening Questions section you will listen to four recordings of native English speakers and then write your answers to a series of questions.
- Recording 1 - A conversation between two people in an everyday social context.
- Recording 2 - a monologue in an everyday social context, eg a speech about local facilities.
- Recording 3 - A conversation between up to four people in an educational or training context, eg a college teacher and a student discussing an assignment.
- Recording 4 - A monologue on an academic topic, for example universities lecture.
Rating this section:
The assessors will look for evidence of your ability to understand the main ideas and detailed factual information, the opinions and attitudes of speakers, the purpose of the speech and evidence of your ability to follow the development of ideas.
Description of the IELTS Listening Test:
For the question paper format:
- There are four parts, each with ten questions.
- The questions are designed so that the answers appear in the order they are heard in the audio.
- The first two parts deal with specific situations in everyday social contexts. In the first part, there is a conversation between two speakers (for example, a conversation about travel arrangements), and in the second, there is an individual dialogue (for example, a speech about domestic affairs or facilities).
- The last two parts deal with specific situations in educational and training contexts. In Part 3, there is a conversation between keynote speakers (eg, two university students in a discussion, possibly with guidance from a teacher), and in Part 4, there is a one-on-one dialogue on an academic topic.
- You can only hear the recordings once. It includes a range of dialects, including British, Australian, New Zealand, American, and Canadian.
For exam timing:
Timing: About 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes transfer time).
As for the number of questions in the exam:
Number of questions: 40
For the types of tasks required in the questions:
A variety of question types are used, and are chosen from the following: multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram marking, form/note/table/flowchart/summary completion, sentence completion.
As for the answer:
Test takers write their answers on the question paper as they listen and at the end of the test they are given 10 minutes to transfer their answers to the answer sheet. Care must be taken when writing answers on the answer sheet as poor spelling and grammar will be penalized.
For ratings:
Each question for one mark.
Details of the Speaking test format for ielts Academic and General Training:
Conversation: talk for (11-14 minutes)
For the test format:
The Speaking section assesses your use of spoken English. During which each speaking test is recorded.
For the types of tasks required in the Speaking test:
There are three parts to the test and each part performs a specific function in terms of interaction style, task input, and test taker output.
For the speaking test parts:
- Part 1 - The examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests. This part lasts between four and five minutes.
- Part 2 - You will get a card asking you to talk about a specific topic. You will have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes. The examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic.
- Part 3 - You will be asked more questions about the topic in Part 2. This will give you the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and issues. This part of the test lasts between four and five minutes.
IELTS Speaking Description:
- The Speaking test consists of an oral interview between the test takers and the test taker.
- All speaking tests are recorded.
For conversation time:
Timing: 11-14 minutes
Details of the questions parts of the conversation:
Part one - introduction and interview
Task type and format: In this part, the examiner introduces himself and verifies the identity of the test takers.
He then asks test takers general questions about some familiar topics such as home, family, work, studies and interests. To ensure consistency, questions are taken from the script. Part 1 lasts for 4-5 minutes.
Reason for this question:
This part of the test focuses on the ability to communicate opinions and information about everyday topics and common experiences or situations by answering a set of questions.
Number of questions: variable
Part 2 - Long Single Question:
Task type and format:
Part 2 is the long single part.
The examiner gives test takers a task card that asks test takers to talk about a specific topic, includes points to cover in their speaking and directs test takers to explain one aspect of the topic. Test takers are given one minute to prepare their speech, and they are given a pencil and paper to take notes. The examiner asks test takers to speak for one to two minutes, stops test takers after two minutes, and asks one or two questions on the same topic.
Using the points on the task card effectively, and taking notes during preparation time, will help test takers to think about the right things to say, organize their speech, and keep talking for two minutes. Part 2 lasts 3-4 minutes, including preparation time.
Reason for this question:
This part of the test focuses on the ability to speak at length about a particular topic (without further prompts from the examiner), using appropriate language and coherently organizing ideas. Test takers will likely need to draw on their own experience to complete the long course.
Number of questions: variable
Part 3 - Discussion
Task type and format:
In Part 3, the examinee and test takers discuss issues related to the topic in Part 2 in a more general, abstract and, if necessary, a more in-depth manner; Part 3 lasts from 4 to 5 minutes.
Reason for this question:
This part of the test focuses on the ability to express and justify opinions and to analyze, discuss and speculate on issues.
Number of questions: variable
ielts test score:
IELTS Score Shows the ielts score scale set with a score from 0 to 9
The points indicate the level of skill in using the English language:
9 Language Expert User:
The test taker has a full operational command of the language. Their use of the English language is appropriate, accurate, fluent and demonstrates complete understanding.
8 Very good user:
The test taker has a complete operational command of the language with occasional unsystematic errors and inappropriate usage. They may misunderstand certain things in unfamiliar situations. They handle complex and detailed arguments well.
7 good user:
The test taker has operational proficiency in the language, despite occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate use, and misunderstandings in some situations. They generally handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning.
6 The user is average in language:
The test taker has effective language proficiency despite some errors, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. They can use and understand fairly complex language, especially in familiar situations.
5 Modest user of language:
The test taker has a partial command of the language and fits in with the general meaning in most situations, although they are likely to make many mistakes. They must be able to handle basic communications in their field.
4 Limited language user:
The test provider's basic competence is limited to familiar situations. They often show problems with understanding and expression. They are unable to use complex language.
3 A very limited user of the language:
The test taker conveys and understands the general meaning only in very familiar situations. There are frequent failures in the connection.
2 intermittent language user:
The test taker has great difficulty understanding English both in writing and in speaking.
1 is not used for language.
The test taker does not have the ability to use the language except for a few separate words.
0 did not solve the test:
The test taker did not answer the questions.
Safety system in ielts test centers:
There are several security measures in place to support genuine test takers and protect the interests of organizations that rely on the integrity of ielts results.
There is a strict set of protocols in place to protect every aspect of the IELTS test. This includes:
- Strict regulations surrounding test papers
- Systems for registration and verification of test takers
- Training test center staff to help them identify fraudsters, detect fraudulent behavior and prevent fraud
- Strict testing terms
- Routine examination of test results before they are issued.
- This multi-layered approach to security testing also includes an integrity process for potential test centers and strict protocols surrounding test center operations and audits.
- IELTS partners also work closely with relevant authorities around the world, including immigration and law enforcement agencies, to detect, prevent and, where appropriate, prosecute any fraud or attempted fraud in accordance with local legislation.
IELTS test formats:
IELTS on paper:
This test requires test takers to sit at a desk with question papers and answer sheets for the Reading, Listening and Writing tests at an official IELTS test centre. Test takers will write their answers in either pencil or HB pencils. The Speaking test is taken face to face with a trained ielts examiner.
IELTS on computer:
This test requires test takers to take reading, listening and writing tests in front of a computer with questions displayed on a screen at an official ielts test centre. Test takers then submit their answers using a keyboard and mouse. The Speaking test is not computer-based and is taken face-to-face with a trained ielts examiner.
Continue now for more information about the IELTS test.
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In this article, we talked about the definition and types of IELTS test with some clarity, and in other articles we will explain the types, sections and questions of the IELTS test in detail. As well as about IELTS test centers and certificates, how to register for it, and practice the questions.
Source :
- ielts.org
- Asana academy
- Wikipedia