Dear student, if you want to register for EMSAT tests in various subjects, especially if you want to pass the test to determine your points that qualify you to study a field or join a college, or to study a master’s or doctorate;
In this article, we share with you how to register in Emsat for the different stages, which include:
- Registration in Emsat for primary and intermediate grades.
- Registration in Emsat for secondary classes.
- Registration in Emsat to enroll in universities.
First, we remind you that the Emsattest is a set of tests in various subjects to measure the student's qualifications for advanced classes.
What isEmsat?
Emsat is a standardized computer-based national test system called the Emirates Standardized Test, which is the first computer-based national standardized test designed to measure skills independently of the curricula for grades 1, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12
Emsat registration steps:
At first, you must visit the EMSAT registration website, which is the Emirates Standard Test website.
- Then you should contact one of the school’s officials or coordinators if you are a student in one of the schools, or go to the continuing education centers or adult education centers if you are studying from home,for the following reasons:
- Toregister your personal data.
- To prove your Emirates ID.
After completing this step, a message with the link to activate your account to register in Emsat will be sent to your email address that you previously registered.
After you activate your account, you need to do:
- Register for the Emsattest in the subjects you want to take the test in, through the electronic platform of the Emirates Standard Test.
- Then log in through the login icon on the site.
- Then complete the personal data required from you to complete the registration in Emsat.
- Select the intentional center to perform the Emsat standardized tests that is closest and most suitable for you.
- Select the appropriate date for you to take the Emsat test.
Emsat Levels:
Emsat tests differ at each level or stage of study in terms of the objective of the test, as well as in terms of the number of registration materials.
1- Emsat basic stage for first graders:
- The objective of the Emsat test at this stage is to measure the child's readiness to enter the stage of general basic education.
- The test in these subjects will be in Arabic, English, and arithmetic.
- The student's ability to read and write in Arabic and English is measured, as well as his abilities in simple arithmetic problems in addition and subtraction; Some schools require that the student pass this test to join the first grade of the school with a certain number of points. If the student does not reach him, he must study a preparatory year first.
2- The second phase of Emsat (Emsat Sequential):
This stage is for:
- Fourth graders.
- Sixth grade students.
- Eighth grade students.
- Tenth grade students.
At this stage, the Emsat test aims to:
- Determining the level of students in each stage and their readiness for another, more advanced stage of education.
- Identifying development needs in the curriculum and teaching methods.
- Some schools require the completion of the Emsat standardized test in order to join them at this stage if the student wishes to transfer from one school to another.
- Some educational missions require students to complete evenings in these stages.
The Emsat stage is consecutive in the basic subjects for these stages, which are:
- Arabic.
- English.
- Sciences.
- Math.
3- The completion stage of the Emsat tests:
This stage is for students of the twelfth grade of secondary school, as it aims to:
- Recently, passing the Emsat test has become a prerequisite for obtaining a secondary certificate in the UAE.
- Passing the standard evenings in certain subjects is required to join a particular college.
- Completion of the Emsat Standard Exam is required to be eligible for a scholarship for the bachelor's or bachelor's level.
- The Emsat test measures the student's readiness to study at the university level.
The Emsat test will be at this stage in the following subjects:
- Arabic.
- English.
- Advanced mathematics.
- Biology.
- Chemistry.
- Physics.
- Emsat will replace CEPA in public universities.
- Private universities can also certify Emsat as part of the student admission process as an alternative to the IELTS and TOEFL tests, which are prerequisites for admission of high school students to private higher education institutions.
The Emsat courses help you prepare for the emsat test by obtaining sufficient information about the Emsat test in all its sections and the specific subject you want to pass, as well as by training on emsat test samples.
As it is important to understand the topics by reviewing the contents, question forms, appendix/datasheets, etc., which are provided in the test specification for each topic. Once the analysis is done, you can collect necessary notes, textbooks, prints, etc. from your previous school years; The EmSAT Achieve test focuses on the basics and essentials required to get into a university or college; So it is better to have books and test notes from the previous year to achieve a great score which our Emsatpreparatory course provides you with through the school.com website.
We draw your attention to the fact that it is a mistake to start preparing for the test a week or two before the exams; Because this is not the time to start, whether you are preparing for Emsat exam or any competitive exams, it is best to start preparing at least 1-2 months before exams to achieve a better score so that you have enough time to study and review important concepts as per the exam specification. While studying for the first time, be sure to prepare separate notes or topic summary,which will really help you for last minute review as the entire topic cannot be reviewed in a short period of time. Get started with us now..